Learning a lot about the U.S. Census

The U.S. census is defined in Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, calling for an “enumeration to be made of the populace within every subsequent term of 10 years.” The new Americans would be electing their peers to serve in the House of Representatives, with the number of representatives to be determined by the number of residents in each state, not exceeding one legislator for every 30,000 people. Read More...

A special month in more ways than one

March was Women’s History Month, and lately I have overheard a lot of human talk about women, suffrage, amendments to the Constitution, and equal rights. I quickly found out that this year is the 100th anniversary celebration of the Constitution’s 19th Amendment, which was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920. Read More...

A high-wheeled bicycle

I must tell you about the surprise I encountered during one of my recent third-floor night scampers — a VERY strange looking two-wheel bicycle with a huge (57 inch diameter) front wheel and, in comparison, a very small (17½-inch) back wheel. I haven’t, in my whole little mouse life, seen anything like it! Of course I had to find out more about this fascinating historical object. Read More...